Sunday, April 29, 2012

a short break at Paradise Hotel Penang

This is our first holiday this year. Well balik kampung almost every weekend does not count as holiday. Adik has been nagging- ibu nak p hotel..jom cuti panjang...ok lah finally we made it last Thursday.It was just a short break for two days at Paradise Sandy Beach/Paradise Rainbow Penang. The room was ok- the view was nice but breakfast was ...????.- we had to pay extra RM44 for abang and kakak but the food served was not as expected. Kakak only ate 1 piece of bread and a small bowl of cornflakes-umpppp...tu pun kena paksa. so , the second day- we didn't eat at the hotel cos ayah bought breakfast and we ate in the room.However all of us had a nice pool time and also sea time..hehehe. Ayah practiced his swimming skills sampai sakit badan..hehehe..the kids really enjoyed swimming in the pool...including ibu.. so where's our next destination ayah???
Just arrived on Thursday
Ayah 's work station
Small pantry
At the balcony-22nd Floor
Enjoying the view
Big bathroom

 view dr 22nd floor

 masjid terapung...

Floating  ibu

 view hotel dr beach

Best tak adik??? best!

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