Saturday, March 19, 2011

santai mandi kolam kat SwissIn SgP

Life is so hectic. Both ibu and ayah really need a break,however we are not able to do so..yet. During the last day of the school break we managed to squeeze a few hours for a short break atSwiss Inn SP.We didn't spend a night there because it is only less than 30 minute drive from home to Swiss Inn. Our main aim was to let the children enjoy the pool.
Getting the float ready

Sisters at work


Abang in action

Gotcha! ..who cares!

A big boy enjoying water..

A girl who always thinks she's big enough to be on her own




Our darlings..

water..water...we love water..

Hey..where are you going?

 Nowadays, ibu is too busy with all sort of things plus not being well as well. Therefore, this blog has been abandoned despite ayah's effort to update the pictures of our recent break- ( a few hour break) to Swiss In in SP. We only went to the pool and even though it was only for a few hours, abang,kakak and adik really enjoyed themselves.Hopefully this May we'll be able to take a few days off to relax and explore the island of Penang. However, ibu has to wait for the exam schedule to be out first before she can plan the trip. So,
enjoy the pictures without captions because ibu is too lazy to add the captions to the pictures.

Sunday, March 6, 2011

5 Mac 2011................ breakst..lunch. di pagi Sabtu

Emmmmmmmmmmm.....lazatnya...Below are random pictures of our breakfast n lunch @brunch. Ibu terajin masak on Saturday. Penat but happy cos semua oarang makan dengan jayanya...

Hidangan lengkap

Wajah -wajah yang kelaparan

Ulam timun

Ayam tergolek tanpa hiasan-rangup diluar lembut didalam

Gulai ikan tenggiri- santan kotak so tak berapa cantik hasilnya

Sup cendawan with udang n fishball

Sambal kicap untuk dimakan dengan ayam-pedas tapi yummy

Ayam seksi-pandangan sisi

Ibu..nak nasik!

Tak sabar dah- sikat rambut pun tak sempat!

Nasi-beras merbuk

Sup mangkuk kecik untuk abang n kakak

Gambar-gambar di atas ialah gambar ayam yang telah menjadi  mangsa lima orang yang lapar. Tulang-tulang pula menajdi habuan  3 ekor kucing dewas dan 3 ekor anak kucing . Sekian terima kasih.......

Wednesday, March 2, 2011


Kakak dan adik yang suka ngusik Abang
Gambar-gambar di atas dan di bawah adalah sempena birthday Abang yang ke 11. Dah besar dah anak ibu dan ayah. Doa ibu dan ayah semoga Abang menjadi anak yang soleh dan musleh. Happay Birthday Abang..ibu and ayah love you.
Choclate Indulgence- tapi beli half jer cos nanti mesti tak habis-memang tak habis ada lagi 2 slices dalam peti ais

Kad-kad yang dibuat ibu ,,bukan Abang jer yer ,,tuan puteri dua orang pun kena ada kad jugak

Jam-jam sebagai hadiah..Abang jam Q &Q jer...tak per nanti dah besar sikit baru boleh jam mahal..adik-adik jam barbie..satu rm6 jer..hehehe..asal ada..

Anak ibu and ayah yang semakin besar..Happy Birthday  Sayang